Dr. Debra Guthrie manages a diverse glaucoma population in her midtown Manhattan practice. This potentially blinding disease is a panoply of many different types of glaucoma. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness worldwide; 5.2 million people are estimated to be affected. In the United States, there are 2.7 million people aged 40 or more with Glaucoma. This accounts for 1.9% of the United States population.
Glaucoma,”the silent thief of vision”, is frequently undetected. Comprehensive eye exams with our eye care team is of paramount importance for detection and monitoring of Glaucoma. This necessitates a careful history, exam with appropriate diagnostic testing for Glaucoma staging and individualization of treatment plans. The office is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. Early detection and patient education is foremost in helping to prevent and slow down the loss of vision.
Dr. Guthrie believes that the more a person understands about his/her disease process the more compliant the patient will be with the prescribed treatment regimen. This approach is so very important in a disease where vision loss is not reversible. There are many options and combinations of therapies to treat the glaucoma patient. Medications(eye drops) and laser treatments may be recommended. Surgical intervention may be needed in some people. It is most important not to be fearful and come in for a comprehensive exam. The office atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. We are serious about our care, but always with sensitivity to our patients.